Saturday, May 14, 2011

Relationship Reflection

Relationships, it is deepest of all bonds humans develop. Yet we neglect to value and nurture.  Nonetheless, we feel the most painful emotions when we lose someone close to us and remorseful that we did not spend enough time with them.
I am the fifth daughter.  My parents were blessed with seven daughters.  We were realized in neighbourhoods where people didn’t quite understand how my father became the boss at the largest plant in town.  After all we didn’t look like them.  Therefore we spend most of our time with each other.  Reading, playing school and planning our further.  As adults we moved to different parts of the country promising to meet at least once a year to reconnect.  Not a Sunday goes by that we don’t speak to one another.  To this day my relationship with each of them is important.    This assignment makes me wonder if we were that important to one another then why did we move away?
My spouse, He makes me feel good about me.  He builds me up all the while keeping it real with me.  He is truly the only person that I can open up about anything.  He does not judge me.  He know this is who I am and he’s good with that.  My sisters were not happy for me.  They were honestly rude and hurtful towards me about my getting married.  He encourages me to forgive.  We celebrated 20 of marriage last week.  
My girls, I have two wonderful daughters.  I can say that now.  We are almost threw our teen years!  The dreams and plans I had and still have for them are bigger then I knew I could dream.  They have taught me lessons only children have the power to teach.  Is it really so bad that I see them as a reflection of me?
My co-worker Miss. Stacie, her classroom is diagonally across from mine.  We share tales of challenging students, lesson plans, the best words use when speaking with a parent.  We share our lunch, recipes, issues that have come up at home and district frustrations.  But the most important thing we share everyday is laughter!     

I share a partnership within each of these relationships because they are apart of whom I am and who I can.   They touch me in someway everyday. 
What else could a girl ask for?  At almost 48 years of age I still crave to have a "Bestie".  You know the girlfriend bond that so many books and movies talk about.  It's never to late.


  1. Lilliane,

    The different types of relations we form meet different needs. I cant imagine not having my family in my life. I thrive on the attention, love, and interaction I get from my relationships. Thats amazing that you have 6 sisters!! I want several children. I only have one sister and she is 7 years younger then me. Relationships are a vital part of one's life.

  2. Lillianne your comments remind me that relationships must be nurtured and cherished. Unfortunately it is sometimes when we lose someone that we recognize their importance the most of all. I found it interesting that you spoke of so many important relationships yet not really one with a special girlfriend, a "Bestie". I have thought of that in my own life and have begun to think, the older I get, that when your commitment and devotion are to a fulfilling marriage and raising capable, confident children there is not much left to give. An important part of relationships is giving. I am hopeful that as life evolves there will be more time for girlfriends!

  3. Lilliane, I understand what your opinion is about losing a loved one. Losing my father was hard to bear because I learned a lot from him over the years. The relationship with my father will always make me reflect more on what we did together.
