Saturday, August 20, 2011

Final Blog Assignment

Reflecting on what I have learned from  the international community makes the world seem small.  In the end we are all working towards the same goal.  Happy, healthy children that grow up to be happy, healthy adults.  We all are   Researchers in the field and early childhood educators both view eearly childhood education as children learning through play.  That benefits for many children is a dream. Consequences of learning about the international early childhood field for my professional and personal development.
          Early childhood Education has a role in constructing a sustainable society.  No matter how depressing and scary the situation.  Agree or disagree there are three pillars of education for sustainable development economy, neuroscientist and politics each one intersecting  with the other.  The world does not view education as a foundation for a valuable life.
          Concerns in developing countries health, nutrition, and  clean water.  In developed countries a better quality of childcare, curriculum and respecting childcare providers as professionals.  Inequity for low-income families, minorities and women are a factor in both. 
Children are not invisible and deserver to have basic human rights such as an    
          My goal for the field relating to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations.  Use the resources to learn more about cultural diversity, equality and democracy

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Getting to Know Your International Contacts—Part 3

My contact is not available to work with me this week.  Therefore I would like to share insights I gained about issues related to international early childhood education from the UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education” website.   
After exploring the site thoroughly, I found information in the sites links Access, Quality, Investment and Governance.  Fill of important reminders that having an education is still a battle in many place of the world.  
 Strengthening education systems, Early Childhood very interesting:  The link
Access, Supports the importance of early childhood.
Quality, more support on why high quality childhood education and care for all children no matter their social economics.   
 Investment, Early childhood not being a top priority is a worldwide concern.  The article about; The Jomtien Declaration on Education for All (EFA), working to get the government to understand and support the importance of early childhood in basic education as a whole.
Governance, The overall goal and mission of the organization is the importance of strengthening the education systems.  It reminds us of the prejudices women in the world still face having no right to basic education. 
The article and information about the world observes the anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the child and the differences that it has made on a child’s right to an education.
The Policies Brief, shares articles about educational debates from around the world.
The site has many interesting articles of real life educational experiences.   

Friday, August 5, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

The National Black Child Development Institute
The site as a whole encourages the important changes in how we need to think about educating the young child. Recognizing that different families and their children have different needs.    NBCDI calls to our attention many of the serious problems regarding the young child such as homelessness, drug addiction, incarcerated parents and being raised by grandparents are some of the .  NBCDIC links provide clear demonstrations that the care and education of children is a societal concern.   
The website contains information that adds to my understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education.  Using data, facts, figures and statics of the state of child care and family needs.   It offers many links to information that are instrumental in the progress and strength of programs for young children.    I am hopeful that I will be able to use some the information they share to continue promoting education for all children.  Looking to solve current and future needs of families the site resources are not as up to date as families might need.  But still useful, anything is better than nothing.