Friday, August 5, 2011

Sharing Web Resources

The National Black Child Development Institute
The site as a whole encourages the important changes in how we need to think about educating the young child. Recognizing that different families and their children have different needs.    NBCDI calls to our attention many of the serious problems regarding the young child such as homelessness, drug addiction, incarcerated parents and being raised by grandparents are some of the .  NBCDIC links provide clear demonstrations that the care and education of children is a societal concern.   
The website contains information that adds to my understanding of equity and excellence in early care and education.  Using data, facts, figures and statics of the state of child care and family needs.   It offers many links to information that are instrumental in the progress and strength of programs for young children.    I am hopeful that I will be able to use some the information they share to continue promoting education for all children.  Looking to solve current and future needs of families the site resources are not as up to date as families might need.  But still useful, anything is better than nothing. 


  1. Lilliane, we as educators should understand that not all children are alike and should be open to increasing our knowledge of strategies to best educate our young. I always say we never know what a child has been through by the time he/she walks through our doors in the morning.

  2. Lilliane,
    It is so important that we address the unique needs of each community. There is not one program that will work for every neighborhood. I don't think we will see equity until we understand that equity doesn't mean we all get the same things. It reminds me of the children in my classroom when we discuss being fair. Being fair doesn't mean that I'll treat everyone the same however it does mean whatever I do it will be with respect and in an attempt to meet their own needs.

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Lilliane-

    It is interesting that with all the issues that our children and families deal with that the sites are not able to stay current. You are right anything is better than nothing, but sometimes the information they may receive is no longer of any use. I have found that out with a few sites. Thanks for sharing your information.
