Saturday, October 1, 2011

Research Around the World

I chose to learn more about Early Childhood Development Virtual University (ECDVU) Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA): Developed and maintained by the University of Victoria, Canada.
The ECDVU offers virtual and face to face programs.  The ECDVU participants are nominated by early childhood development committees.   Based on the nominees commitment to early childhood development.  ECDVU goal is to improve the quality of life for children and their families in Africa.
A few of the current international research topics learned about are:
·         A Community-driven Rural Early Childhood Development (ECD) Project, with Emphasis on Culturally and Developmentally Appropriate Exploratory Learning Concepts .
·         Parents’ and Other Caregivers’ Perception of Early Childhood Development Needs and Quality: A Study of the PLAN-Assisted Programs in Ghana. 
·         Integrating Indigenous Knowledge in ECD Training and Services .
The research and work being done are very much the same here in America but on a different scale.   The common goal is responsible, hard working adults that can give back to society.  The research understanding that affordable, good early childhood programs are a must for the better of cultures, villages and the future.  They are researching programs that are working for villages, considering the culture and trying to duplicate what is working.  They are educating the parents about early childhood development.  And supportive of on- going teachers training.  Offering the ssupport of cchildren, families and community. 


  1. Thanks Lillane for sharing ECDVU's vision with us. The works being done are universal and it is good to see a common goal aimed and committed to helping the development of children worldwide.

  2. Lilliane,

    I still find it amazing how the topics in early childhood are being researched around the world. The study in Ghana about parent and caregiver perceptions of developmental needs and quality is a topic being researched around the world. I am amazed as I learn how parents and caregivers have similiar goals for their children despite such diversity internationally!

