My Childhood web consists of people whom touched my life in someway or another. Whether I knew it then or just discovered it now.
My mother, I was one of ten children. She always seemed to be working on something baking for the church or sewing our Easter dresses. Although she very rarely sat us down and talked to us, she would cut out newspaper articles of other peoples tragedies and have us read them. I never heard the words I love you, she did not hug or hold me.
She influenced me in ways that enrich my life forever. I tell my daughters how special they are. I hug and hold them even as young ladies we snuggle and watch moves. I never let any of my siblings get off the phone without telling them I love them. Every mother’s day I write my mother a letter on the prettiest stationary I can find and I tell her how thankful I am for her.
My father, strong, silent and hard working. When he walked through the door at the end of the day with his wide rim eye glasses it was as if Clark
Kent walked through the door. The father of seven daughters meant he was thoroughly taking care of. He influenced me to believe if I want it I could have it, but I had to earn it.
Aunt Carrie always lived close enough to us to visit as often as we wanted. She always had a pots of fresh-food cooked. We were free to eat as we pleased. She always had a hug and a kiss for us. She influenced me to believe you can love all children even if you did not give birth to them.
Mrs. Deushet my first grade, always had a gigantic smile. No matter how unorganized or festered she was. She always told me “you can do it”. I did not believe.
My older sister Vanessa. She was right above me. Being four years old than me. She got all A’s, won awards and scholarships for her superior grade. When she worked and saved enough to purchase her own car I knew I wanted to grow up to be just like her. She would take me school shopping, spending her own money. She influenced me to believe I need to help others especially my parents and siblings.