The show I viewed was The Big Bang Theory”, the show begins with two young adults, college students, talking, the male is sitting and the female is standing. The male is texting on his cell phone all the while. The female looks up set her hand is on her hip. The couple is shopping in a jewelry store, maybe a gift for his mom. I learn the gift a bracelet is not for his mom but a different young lady, Maybe the first young lady is his sister, who was mad at him because he had not yet bought his girlfriend a birthday presents.
Needless to say I had miss understood the communication between the characters. First and foremost the young man is a brilliant doctor not a college student, the first young lady is a friend, a waitress who lives across the hall and the second young lady is a friend whom the young man is considering making the relationship into more.
I watch most all of my television on tape because of my schedule. I am usually doing something in addition to while viewing my taped show. It dawned on me that for the most part I use selective listening, because I have already decided what is going to happen I only stop to listen to some of the shows.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting that we do selective listening while watching tv. We are listening for the children, cooking dinner, studying, etc. I had never thought of it this way before.
ReplyDeleteI have to say that I record The Young & The Restless everyday. There are a lot of days that I skip because I predict what is going to happen. Sometimes I have to go back to see what I missed because my assumptions are wrong. Selective listening is another method I practice a lot when watching the recordings because I am a multitasker and I have to do more than one thing at a time to get my goals accomplished.